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Darek Scenic II 2,0 l bez turbo?


op Wyświetla komunikat o błędzie automatycznych świateł. Rozpoznałem także utratę automatycznych wycieraczek czasowych oraz nie działanie czujnika klimatyzacji. Diagnoza jaka udało i się ustalić to brak napięcia w Kostce w słupku R301. Co za tym idzie, po sprawdzeniu wszystkich tasiemek i połączeń kablowych i stwierdzeniu że są ok. Ustaliłem brak napięcia w gnieździe bezpiecznika w kabinie 3A, z którego powinno dochodzić napięcie do kostki R301. Bezpiecznik oczywiście dobry. Potrzebuję wsparcia w zdefiniowaniu skąd przychodzi napięcie na ten bezpiecznik. Jest to żółty przewód o przekroju 0,5 mm2. Nadmienię, iż w schemacie wszystko wskazuje na podpięcie do żółtego grubego przewodu żółtego o przekroju 2,0 mm2, który idzie modułu zasilania pod maska i z prawej strony akumulatora z gniazda brązowego i nóżki 11 do płyty bezpieczników pod kierownicą. Ale to co w schemacie nie bardzo mi się zgadza z faktami. Oznaczenie na schemacie jest 1S ale gdzie to 1S idzie nie mam pojęcia. Więc proszę o wskazanie skąd dostać napięcie na tym przewodzie cieniutkim, bo nie ma w gnieździe napięcia a tym samym wszystkie urządzenia powiązane z czujnikiem światła oraz z termometrem wewnętrznym czyli klimatyzacja auto oraz automatyczne światła i automatyczne wycieraczki nie działają. Podpiąłem mostek do tego grubego żółtego kabla 2,0 mm2 i wszystko ruszyło jak trzeba jednak nie chce tak zostawić tego żeby nie narobić jakiegoś zwarcia przez zapętlenie się napięcia. Prześledziłem prawie wszystkie schematy połączeń ale nie znalazłem informacji gdzie może iść oznaczony przewód 1S
PunkRock86 napisał 27-03-2021, 11:03:
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(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 27-03-2021, 11:03 przez PunkRock86.)


(27-03-2021, 10:31)BairStrokes napisał(a): Displays auto light error message. I also recognized the loss of automatic wipers and a non-functioning air conditioning sensor. The diagnosis that was possible and determined is the lack of tension in the Ankle in the R301 bar. Consequently, after checking all the ribbons and cable connections and finding that they are ok. I determined the lack of voltage in the fuse socket in the cabin 3A, from which the voltage should come to the R301 block. The fuse is good, of course. I need support in defining where the voltage for this fuse is coming from. It is a yellow wire with a cross-section of 0.5 mm2. I will mention that in the diagram everything indicates that the yellow cable with a cross section of 2.0 mm2 is connected to the thick yellow wire, which goes to the power module under the hood and on the right side of the battery from the brown socket and feet 11 to the fuse board under the steering wheel. But what in the diagram does not quite agree with the facts. The designation in the schematic is 1S but where this 1S goes I have no idea. So please indicate where to get the voltage on this thin wire, because there is no voltage in the socket and thus all devices associated with the light sensor and with an internal thermometer, i.e. car air conditioning, automatic lights and automatic wipers do not work. I connected the bridge to this thick yellow 2.0 mm2 cable and everything started as it should be, but I don't want to leave it so as not to make a short circuit by looping the voltage. I have followed almost all connection diagrams but I have not found any information where the marked 1S cable can go So please indicate where to get the voltage on this thin wire, because there is no voltage in the socket and thus all devices associated with the light sensor and with an internal thermometer, i.e. car air conditioning, automatic lights and automatic wipers do not work. I connected the bridge to this thick yellow 2.0 mm2 cable and everything started as it should be, but I don't want to leave it so as not to make a short circuit by looping the voltage. I have followed almost all connection diagrams but I have not found any information where the marked 1S cable can go So please indicate where to get the voltage on this thin wire, because there is no voltage in the socket and thus all devices associated with the light sensor and with an internal thermometer, i.e. car air conditioning, automatic lights and automatic wipers do not work. I connected the bridge to this thick yellow 2.0 mm2 cable and everything started as it should be, but I don't want to leave it so as not to make a short circuit by looping the voltage. I have followed almost all connection diagrams but I have not found any information where the marked 1S cable can go because there is no voltage in the socket and thus all devices related to the light sensor and internal thermometer, i.e. car air conditioning, automatic lights and automatic wipers do not work. I connected the bridge to this thick yellow 2.0 mm2 cable and everything started as it should be, but I don't want to leave it so as not to make a short circuit by looping the voltage. I have followed almost all connection diagrams but I have not found any information where the marked 1S cable can go because there is no voltage in the socket and thus all devices related to the light sensor and internal thermometer, i.e. car air conditioning, automatic lights and automatic wipers do not work. I connected the bridge to this thick yellow 2.0 mm2 cable and everything started as it should be, but I don't want to leave it so as not to make a short circuit by looping the voltage. I have followed almost all connection diagrams but I have not found any information where the marked 1S cable can go [/url][url=https://essaywriter.fun/]essay writer
Thank you, my problem is solved


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